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9923086 The Hyperion Schubert Edition Complete Songs, Vol 31 輸入盤 The Hyperion Schubert Edition Complete Songs, Vol 31



Die Allmacht Second version D875A (Pyrker) (completed by Van Hoorickx and Knothe) [CB chorus] [6'42]
Hagars Klage D5 (Schucking) [CB] [16'19]
Dem Unendlichen Second version D291 (Klopstock) [CB] [4'20]
Himmelsfunken D651 (Silbert) [CB] [3'34]
Des Madchens Klage First version D6 (Schiller) [CB] [5'13]
Im Abendrot D799 (Lappe) [CB] [3'34]
Die Gestirne D444 (Klopstock) [CB] [2'48]
Der 13. Psalm D663 (trans. Mendelssohn) (completed by Mandyczewski) [CB] [3'04]
Der 23. Psalm D706 (trans. Mendelssohn) [PRoz LA CD CWR] [5'23]
Der 92. Psalm D953 (in Hebrew, unaccompanied) [PRob chorus] [5'27]
Mirjams Siegesgesang D942 (Grillparzer) [CB chorus] [18'05]

Christine Brewer/Holst Singers/Graham Johnson
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