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12003018 サリヴァン:合唱作品集 - SULLIVAN, A.: Choral Music - 輸入盤 サリヴァン:合唱作品集 - SULLIVAN, A.: Choral Music -



 1-3. 7つのパートソング(合唱版)(抜粋)
  No. 2. Joy to the victors
  No. 7. The Beleaguered
  No. 4. Echoes
 4-8. 5つの宗教的パートソング(合唱版)
  No. 2. Lead, kindly light
  No. 4. Watchman, what of the night?
  No. 3. Through sorrow's path
  No. 5. The way is long and drear
  No. 1. It came upon the midnight clear
 9. 7 Partsongs: No. 5. I sing the birth (version for choir)
 10. All this night
 11. Upon the snow-clad Earth
 12. The last night of the year
 13. Fair daffodils
 14. Seaside Thoughts
 15. O hush thee, my babie
 16. The rainy day
 17. When Love and Beauty
 18. Wreaths for our graves
 19-21. 7つのパートソング(合唱版)(抜粋)
  No. 3. Parting Gleams
  No. 1. Evening
  No. 6. The long day closes

※録音: 17-18 July 2019, The Parish Church of St. Paul, Heaton Moor, Stockport, England, UK

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