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11510019 リパブリック讃歌 ベスト・オブ・モルモン・タバナクル合唱団 - Battle Hymn of the Republic - Best of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir - 輸入盤 リパブリック讃歌 ベスト・オブ・モルモン・タバナクル合唱団 - Battle Hymn of the Republic - Best of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir -



 The Battle Hymn of the Republic(*) / Lorena / Sweet Evelina
 When Johnny Comes Marching Home(*) / Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child
 Dixie / Aura Lee / The Battle Cry of Freedom / He’s Gone Away
 Tramp, Tramp, Tramp / Tenting on The Old Camp Ground / Sheep May Safely Graze
 Onward Christian Soldiers / A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
 O God Our Help in Ages Past / I Know That My Redeemer Lives
 David’s Lamentation / My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
 Come, Come, Ye Saints / Nearer My God to Thee / Rock of Ages
 Lead Kindly Light / All Creatures of Our God and King / The Lord’s Prayer
 Guide Us O Thou Great Jehovah / Abide with Me

※録音:1958-1962年 原盤:Philips / CBS

モルモン・タバナクル合唱団、リチャード・P・コンディー(指揮)、フィラデルフィア管弦楽団(*)、ユージン・オーマンディ(指揮(*))/Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Richard P. Condie, Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy
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