堅田 優衣 かただ ゆい [作曲]
桐朋学園大学音楽学部作曲理論学科卒業後、同研究科修了。フィンランド・シベリウスアカデミー合唱指揮科修士課程修了。2015年に帰国後は、身体と空間を行き交う「呼吸」に着目。自然な呼吸から生まれる声・サウンド・色彩を的確にとらえ、それらを立体的に構築することを得意としている。現在、合唱指揮者・作曲家として、全国各地で活動。2014年第3回JCAユースクワイア(全日本合唱連盟主催)アシスタントコンダクター、同年Noema Noesisを設立し、現在音楽監督・指揮者を務める。2016年より女声合唱団pneumaを主宰。
これまでに、カワイ出版から「志士のうた」、フィンランド・スラソル社より「Ave Maria」「UPOPO」「ホトトギス」「ぶどうの木」「知恵の泉」、編曲作品「さくら横ちょう」「この道」「Veni,
veni Emmanuel」、またMiela harmonija社より「樋口一葉日記〜書いて、生きる」を出版している。2020年より合唱のためのウォームアップ指導法を研究している。
Yui Katada studied composition at Toho Gakuen College Music Department, Japan. She earned her master's degree in choral conducting from Sibelius Academy, Finland.
She has established a nationwide reputation as a promising choral conductor and composer. Her music focuses on "breaths," which flows constantly between the body and surrounding space. She accurately catches the sense of voice, sound and colour arising from natural breathing, and weaves them into stereophonic harmony with her skillful conducting.
She served as the assistant conductor in the 3rd JCA Youth Choir (hosted by Japan Choral Association) in 2014. Later in the year, she founded "Noema Noesis", a choir which she currently serves as the music director and conductor. Since 2016, she is also the supervisor of "pneuma Female Choir."
Her works have been published so far: "Shishi no Uta" from Kawai Publishing, "Ave Maria" "UPOPO" "Hototogisu" "Budoo no ki (Vine Tree)" "Chie no Izumi (Fountain of Wisdom)" , and arranged works "Sakura Yokocho" "Kono Michi" "Veni, veni Emmanuel" from Surasol, Finland. Also, "Higuchi Ichiyo Diary-Write and Live" is published by Miela harmonija.
Since 2020 she has been studying warm-up methods for chorus.