横山 智昭 よこやま ともあき [作曲]

第4回かやぶき音楽堂デュオコンクールにてヴァイオリスト杉江洋子氏とのデュオで特別賞受賞。第3回K作曲コンクールではピアノ連弾曲『THEME Park Variations』にて第2位を受賞。


Tomoaki Yokoyama is a Japanese composer and a pianist who pursues musical excitement beyond the boundaries of classical, jazz, and pop. He acted as a student conductor for the 1998-1999 academic year at the Heimat Choir of the Kyoto University.

He was awarded the special prize with the violinist, Yoko Sugie in the 4th Kayabuki Ongakudo Duo Competition, and awarded the 2nd prize with the piano continuous tune “THEME Park Variations” in the 3rd K Composition Competition.

His representative works on chorus are mixed chorus suites “Inochi no Uta (Song of soul)”, “Watasi no naka nimo (It’s Also in Me)” and “Okashi no Jikan (Time for dessert)” (edition KAWAI), and NHK Minna no Uta Selection “Minna no Kazoku no Uta (The Song of Our Families)” (Pana Musica Co.,Ltd).

He also released two original CDs as a composer pianist (1st: piano solo album “rebirth”, 2nd: story album “Futari”).

While developing a wide range of creative and performing activities, he is also active as a producer and conductor of the chorus comprehensive entertainment group “Yoridori Midori” based in Osaka.