小田 裕之 おだ ひろゆき [ピアノ]

札幌生まれ。1998年桐朋学園大学ピアノ科を首席で卒業し、NTTdocomo 奨学金を授与された。卒業後「プラハ芸術アカデミー」にて研鑽を積んだ。文化庁助成演連コンサート等でリサイタル。2019年音楽現代3月号に於いては「邦人“昇龍”ピアニスト12人を推す(著:浅岡弘和)」に紹介された。2020年には「第5回ソナタコンクール」オープニングセミナーにて講演、マスタークラスの各講師を務める等多岐に渡り活躍している。現在、桐朋学園大学非常勤講師。松原混声合唱団ピアニスト。全日本ピアノ指導者協会(ピティナ)正会員、2014年度ピティナ特別指導者賞受賞。国際マルティヌー協会会員。日本ショパン協会正会員。

Hiroyuki ODA

Born in Sapporo in 1975 , Hiroyuki Oda studied under Michiko Okamoto at Toho Gakuen college.He graduated at the top of his class in 1998,and performed before the royalty at the Toka Gakudo , the music hall of the Imperial Palace. From 2000 he studied at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague with Boris Krajny , a disciple of the noted Ivan Moravec. Hiroyuki Oda has performed in concerts by Frederic Chopin Society of Japan,and with grants from the Agency for Cultural Affairs.He has also performed concertos with the Osaka Century Symphony Orchestra, Filarmonica Brasov,etc. While still in university he was chosen to accampany the late cellist Juro Aoki , from whom he recieved his first education as an ensemble player. In recent years he has accompanied the violinist Hisaya Sato and has been praised as "an outstanding pianist"(Ongakuno Tomo). He now teaches at Toho Gakuen College,and is a full menber of the Japan Chopin Society.He has been awarded the NTT DoCoMo scholarship in 1998,and the PTNA Special Teachiers`award in 2014.