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World Chorus Collection

マリー・シェーファー合唱曲集3 - Imagining Incense - 

指揮:ジョン・ワッシュバーン - Jon Washburn 
バンクーバー室内合唱団 - Vancouver Chamber Choir 
規格製品番号:Grouse  GRO 106

  R. Murray Schafer :

Imagining Incense The Choral Music of R. Murray Schafer, Volume 3 
1-9 Magic Songs 1990 
   1 Chant to bring back the wolf 
   2 Chant to make fences fall down 
   3 Chant to make fireflies glow 
   4 Chant for clear water 
   5 Chant for the spirits of hunted animals 
   6 Chant to keep bees warm in winter 
   7 Chant to make bears dance 
   8 Chant to make the stones sing 
   9 Chant to make the magic work 
10-12 Three Hymns 2005 
   10 Holy is God, who is before the first beginning 
   11 Holy is God, who gave us all a  soul of light 
   12 Be opened, O Earth 
13 Rain Chant 2002 
14 Alleluia 1999 
15 Beautiful Spanish Song 1994 
16-21 Imagining Incense 2001 
   16 Manaka 
   17 Manaban 
   18 Kyara 
   19 Sumotara 
   20 Sasora 
   21 Rakoku 
22 Chant for the Winter Solstice 2001 
23-25 Three Songs from the Enchanted Forest 1996 
   23 Sweet Clover 
   24 Ariane’s Lament 
   25 Lu-li-lo-la 

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