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World Chorus Collection

北へ 〜 スティーヴン・チャットマン合唱曲集 - Due North -

指揮:ジョン・ワッシュバーン - Jon Washburn 
バンクーバー室内合唱団 - Vancouver Chamber Choir
規格製品番号:CMC 3388

  Stephen Chatman :

There is Sweet Music Here 
 Song of the Laughing Green 
 Music, when Soft Voices Die 
 Piping Down the Valleys Wide
You Have Ravished my Heart 
Five British Columbia Folk Songs 
 The Potlatch Fair 
 Mary, Come Home 
 The Grand Hotel 
 Skidegate Love Song 
 John Kanaka
An Elizabethan Spring 
 Spring, the Sweet Spring 
 There is a Garden in her Face
 The Urchins' Dance 
Love and Shapes High Fantastical 
Due North 
 Mountains Trees
 Varied Thrushes 
Whisper Baby 
O Come, O Come Emmanuel 
Lo in a Manger


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